Stream-leaping Dagger-wielders

As the PCs walk quietly to the cave mouth, a sudden snap in the thickets puts the adventurers on alert. The captured goblin tries to warn his friends, but he’s silenced by the sight of swords drawn to his face. A hidden goblin blasts an arrow through the thickets towards Gremdar of Frostbeard but the arrow bounces off the cleric’s armor.
Suddenly, combat is all around the adventurers. Bhreac Deargbeerd, the only fighter of the group, was quick to send an arrow towards the goblin. The goblin was only snipped. Quickly rushing back into the thickets, Anthonon recalls the sounds of distant orc drums from his teenage years. His family hid from the early-century orc invasions, so he knew their rhythms well. He also knows that goblins fear orcs. As such, he conjures a spell to audibly mimic distant orc drums, putting the hidden goblin in a frenzy and allowing the adventurers to locate his general area, take or give three feet.
More to come…